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Sales Team Recruitment

Fairwater Growth Partners specializes in the recruitment of sales, sales management, sales support and technical sales professionals within multiple industries.  Our exclusive focus is dedicated to identifying, evaluating, recruiting and delivering the highest-caliber sales professionals.


We  follow a proven process to find the sales candidates who best match the required skill set and ability for each position being searched.  Our strategic approach evaluates the candidate's past performance metrics and successes, understands the candidate's best environment for success and evaluates the capabilities of the candidate.  


Evaluating, assessing and understanding the hiring company is equally as important as the

candidate evaluation.  We evaluate our clients Performance Realization Category™.  We

outline the sales role in great detail to uncover the primary "Sales Tasks" required to be

successful in the role.  We seek a candidate who will be a match to be successful in that

specific environment and has demonstrated the skill set and experience to be successful. 


FGP ads value by partnering with our clients and augmenting their expertise with sales

specific recruiting expertise which results in the delivery of highly suitable candidates

and the reduction of opportunity costs trying to fill essential sales positions with the

wrong candidates.  By hiring the best fit candidates, we minimize sales turnover and

reduce the costs associated with re-hiring and on-boarding.  Our clients benefit by

off-loading the time consuming recruiting process, freeing up your sales leadership

to focus on important sales activities.



Review our 4 step recruitment process.

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